Dear Petal’s Edge,
Is it appropriate to ask our florist to find a way to incorporate our family’s tallit (Jewish prayer shawls) into the chuppah they are constructing for us? What about finding a way to bring in some of our mothers’ jewelry or wedding dress pieces into the flowers? Can they do this for us?
– Robin S.
Love this question! It’s totally appropriate to do this and takes your bouquets from simply clutches of blooms into truly heirloom wedding flowers. Here’s a list of some of the personal items we frequently see worked into weddings/florals and how we make it happen:
- Tallit – The prayer shawls mostly worn by Jewish men are often handed down from generation to generation and are frequently used as part of a couple’s chuppah (Jewish wedding canopy) during their ceremony. We most typically pin the tallus to the underside of the canopy we are providing, as they are often rectangular in shape (whereas a chuppah is usually square) and smaller that the typical chuppah structure to stand alone. Additionally, families often have more than one they want to display. We ask that our clients provide them to us at the site on the day of the wedding, so that we don’t have to be responsible for it’s safe keeping for long. Be prepared that the florist may have to use pins through the fabric.
- Heirloom chuppah canopies – We are more than happy to use an heirloom or handmade canopy for the chuppah. Be sure to talk to the florist about what size the canopy you have is, so that they can provide the correct size structure. Additionally, you will typically need to make sure that there are some kind of ties on the corners of the canopy – grandma’s quilt will work great, but you will need to pin or baste some ribbons or ties onto the corner so we have some way to secure it to the structure. Usually these kind of canopies work best with a simple chuppah of wood dowels or branches, rather than a fully fabric draped one.
Lockets, necklaces or rosaries – We recommend these kind of item get worked into the handle of a bouquet, or if they are small enough, wired into a boutonniere. Pendants, like lockets, can be pinned through the jump ring at the top of the pendant to the ribbon wrap of a bouquet or boutonniere. Other kinds of necklaces, where the chain is important, such as a rosary, may need to be wrapped and pinned around the handle. We prefer to receive these items at our studio a few days before the event so we have time to pin and arrange them.
- Brooches – Like pendants, these can also be just secured to the ribbon wrap on a bouquet. However, if you want them placed within the flowers, that can also happen. With something that has a structure, such as pin, on the back we can usually wrap a wire into it and then insert the wire into the flowers. If there isn’t anything to attach the wire, however, we may have to use some glue to do so – if the item is a family heirloom, please be sure to talk with your florist first so that we don’t inadvertently damage it !
Dress scraps/handkerchiefs – These are best wrapped around the handle of the bride’s bouquet as well. Handkerchiefs are easily wrapped around the handle, and can even be done so when the bouquet is delivered – a single pin is usually all that is needed to hold it in place. With dress or veil scraps, we typically prefer that they are more neatly cut or pressed into ribbon like strips, so that they can be used instead of ribbon on the handle of the bouquet. Be sure to alert your florist if you do not want any of the fabric you are providing them to be cut or damaged!
We hope that helps!
Do you have a question about heirloom wedding flowers or wedding planning? Send us your question in the comment field or by email (to, subject line “Ask the Florist”), and we’ll include it in a future round of Ask the Florist!